Cpl Jobs offers its clients professional consulting services as part of the recruitment of candidates, as well as the development of employees. Assessment Center and Development Center services are comprehensive activities supporting the client's organizations in the best use of the potential of their employees. AC and DC are carried out with the support of experienced Cpl Jobs assessors, who are an independent element of the assessment of candidates participating in the processes.

Assessment Center supports the recruitment of employees as part of the assessment of candidates during the performed tasks - individual and group. Its purpose is to assess in practice the individual competences relevant to the position for which the candidate is applying. Each candidate in the AC session is assessed in terms of visible behaviour by at least two fully trained Cpl Jobs assessors, who oversee the entire process and carry out ongoing assessment of the candidates. The assessors prepare a detailed report on the session that the Client receives, as well as provide a feedback session to the candidates participating in the assessor.
As part of its processes, Cpl offers full support at every stage of the Assessment Center. We offer a large variety of tasks, tailored to the needs of the recruitment project and position - scenarios, simulations, knowledge tests, group discussions, games, presentations and personal tests, e.g. Lumina Leering, which significantly increases the chances of identifying the desired traits in a candidate.
The positions for which AC is used are primarily management and managerial positions for qualified senior employees.

Cpl Jobs supports clients as part of the Development Center service - a method of assessing the competences of employees working in the client's organization. DC can be a separate project, or it can also be an element of internal recruitment or employee development programs.
We start work on the project by developing together with the client the desired competency profile for a given position and examining how the employees currently fulfilling these roles in the company respond to these needs. Employees participating in the process carry out tasks in conditions similar to those in which they work on a daily basis. During this time, they are assessed by independent assessors selected on behalf of Cpl Jobs. The assessors accurately measure the competences assessed in the DC session and compare them with the expectations for a given position.
The end result of DC processes is the preparation of detailed reports by Cpl Jobs containing: analysis of the competencies examined in a given position, a description of strengths and areas for development, and development recommendations.
Employers aware of the potential of their future and current employees make better use of their potential and skills, which directly translates into their competitive advantage on the market.
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